Saturday, 16 November 2013

Tag - This or That

I spied the This or That tag on Dungarees and Donuts blog and thought I would give it ago as I really enjoy my first tag post (I Love Autumn Tag). It doesn't feel right doing posts with out photos but I had no idea what kind of image to use so I engaged my creative brain cells, rummaged around my make up stash and came up with the above, not too bad for a spur of the moment Tag photo. 

Make up
Blush or Bronzer? 
I'd have to say Blush as I wear this daily, its the perfect pick me up for cheeks. 
Lip gloss or Lipstick? 
Lipstick, this is a rediscovery for me as last year lip gloss defiantly ruled the roost but now it has been put in it's place and the Lipstick makes its mark on my lips.
Eye liner or Mascara? 
Mascara, I think this can dramatically change your make up look.
Foundation or Concealer? 
Foundation, a little can make a big difference and I wouldn't leave the house bare faced.
Neutral or Colour Eye shadow? 
More often than not I wear a neutral colour, but for a night out I would probably add a smidge of colour to a smoky eye.
Pressed or loose eye shadow? 
This has to be Pressed, Loose is just far to messy and makes my cream carpets nervous.

OPI or China Glaze? 
I haven't tried Chine Glaze so by default OPI, I love the range of colours but the wear time far from makes me smile.
Long or Short Nails? 
Long... but not so long that they are impractical.
Acrylic or Natural? 
Natural, I often receive compliments on my nails and this is achieved through showing them a lil TLC once a week. 
Bright or Dark? 
A bit of both. For Autumn/Winter I opt for darker shades but by Spring/Summer I like to brighten things up.
Flower or no flower? 
I like simple nails, so no flower.

Perfume or Body Spray? 
Perfume, better scents and lasts longer. 
Lotion or Body Butter? 
You cant beat a body butter after relaxing in nice hot bath.
Body Wash or Soap? 
Body wash, they smell better and hydrate my skin nicely.
LUSH or Other bath companies? 
If it smells good I'm in, so Lush does get a big thumbs up but I'm very fickle when it comes to bath products and I tend to go with what my nose loves at the time.

Jeans or Sweat Pants? 
Jeans, you can dress them up or down depending on the occasion, a great all rounder.
Long or short sleeves? 
Short sleeves as I like to layer with cardigans and long sleeves make me too hot.
Dresses or skirts? 
I live in both in the summer but there's nothing more exciting than purchasing a new dress for an upcoming occasion.
Stripes or Plaid? 
Plaid scarves are lovely but that's as far as I'd go so I'm gonna say Stripes.
Flip Flops or Sandals? 
I love both, with so many different styles and colours around now there is a place for both of these in my life. 
Scarves or hats? 
This ones easy, Scarves, I wear them all year round (apart from crazy hot days, but we don't get many of them) and they are a great way to put a new spin on an old outfit.
Studs or dangly earrings? 
I wear Studs every day.
Necklaces or Bracelets? 
Necklaces, I have one that I wear regularly and I think the statement necklace trend is great fun. 

Curly or Straight? 
I don't really straighten my hair any more so it generally has a slight natural wave to it, but I love having my hair curled for a night out/special occasion.
Bun or ponytail? 
Bun, what a great way to stretch out wash days, and they look fabulous too. 
Bobby Pins or Butterfly Clips? 
Bobby Pins. 
Hair Spray or Hair Gel? 
I don't tend to use styling products in my hair but if I did I would use hair spray.
Long or Short hair? 
Always Long, I'm forever wanting longer hair than I have, even though my hair is long, but hey that's what extensions are for.
Light or dark? 
Light, I have had dark hair in the past but blonde definitely suits me better.
Side sweep or Full on bangs (fringe)? 
I have no fringe at the min but I am debating weather or not to get a fringe and cant decide between full or side, decisions decisions.
Up or Down? 
This depends on 3 things 1. my mood, 2. my outfit and 3. when it was last washed.

Rain or Shine? 
Sunny days are rare so I love them when we get them but you cant beat being cosy in home with the sound of the rain outside beating down on the windows.  

Summer or Winter? 
Winter is great because I love Christmas but the cold weather soon gets boring. I love days out in the sun, long summer nights and not having to wear a coat every time I leave the house, so summer wins.

Autumn or Spring? 
Hmmm this one is difficult as both are times of change in weather/fashion and beauty, even though my birthday is in spring I think I'm going to go with Autumn because I love the fashion and make up trends and the fun of Halloween  Bonfire night and of course the build up to Christmas. 

Chocolate or Vanilla? 
Ooooh I like both but Chocolate probably just pips Vanilla to the post.

Well there you have it another Tag done with a spontaneous photo to boot. I do enjoy doing Tag posts, have you done any that you think I should do? do you enjoy reading Tags? I'd love to know, let me know in the comments below :)

Kayla x

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